Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Do you agree with the famous Latin saying carpe diem? Why? or Why not?

Carpe diem translates as pluck the day. It involves the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future.

Yea I do agree with the famous Latin sayin CARPE DIEM. Because it means that u should live your life to the full. Like because you never know when it your time to go. Like to me it mean that you couldn't worry about you problems just let them go

1 comment:

  1. Good. Just letting your problems go is a good way of thinking of this.

    A lot of small errors in this post that I can help you fix for more points. Be sure to write your posts as if they are official (spell out you, leave out the likes, etc.) As is 15/20 points.
